20 August 2008

Peanut Butter and the Jazerra

So after the initial shock and awe of Nairobi, we’re starting to settle in quite nicely. We survived a matatu ride to work complete with a TV and music videos, though not quite pimp-my-ride style screens in the back headrest (cause there aren’t headrests). Saw our first good African wildlife, some sort of crazy crane bird thing in the park behind our office. But most importantly, I’ve scoured the local Uchumi (comparable to Food Lion, but with these awesome miniature shopping carts) and found a pretty passable selection of peanut butter. I tried the African version, rather enjoyingly named “Nuteez”, and while it will do in a pinch, I think I’m going to splurge for Skippy next time.

More interestingly (though c’mon, who isn’t enthralled by the trials and tribulations of peanut butter in foreign countries) is watching Al-Jazeera on television here. I’ve never actually watched it before and have always associated it with videos sent in by terrorist groups . So I was pretty surprised to turn it on and see a blond guy with an British accent reporting on the Georgia vs Mother Russia festivities. Its actually a pretty impressive news channel with more in depth stuff than you get back home and certainly better than Fox News.

Anyways, met some more people (including someone finishing up an ADP internship – how ridiculous is that?) and tried my first Nyama Choma (roast goat) which is not quite Lomo. The senior manager that was in Argentina gets here tomorrow for three weeks and I’m pretty interested to see how he reacts to the Robi. Hopefully get out to the national park that’s right outside the city this weekend and looking to see the Masai Mara in the next few weeks.


What to do when the electricity cuts out for 12 hours?
Light candles and play drinking games, obviously

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