I've been back in the US for about a week now and one of the questions everyone asks is 'how is it being back'? The short answer is that it is great, its been really nice to relax with the family and talk (not just gchat) with some of my good friends.
While the transition back has been very easy (except going back to work), there have been a few striking things. The first was the sheer quantity and variety of food in my parents fridge(s!), though to be fair I am impressed by that whether coming back from Africa or DC. Its also been amazing to have some of the small things back: fast internet (I downloaded a whole tv show in like 2 minutes!), potable tap water, free refills, sidewalks, etc. There were a few restaurants I was really looking forward to (cricket, chipotle) which were fantastic, but just as fantastic were the things that I wasn't expecting (string cheese, yoohoo).
I just finished a drive out to California which provided a bit more US vs Africa perspective. Through Colorado and Utah the snow covered landscapes were incredibly beautiful but also incredibly cold (-5F which is like -20C), something you don't get much of in Africa. Vegas is an astonishing strange place (I'd like to see a sociology experiment where they drop some African villagers in Vegas and see what their reaction is, or take some Vegas whales and drop them in an African village). The roads in the US may be the number one thing we take for granted (the little road my house is on in Denver is in better shape than the main road in Kenya) and no one walks anywhere, whereas throughout Kenya, no matter how far you are from a town, there is always someone walking down the side of the road, often loaded down with water or firewood.
The last thing I'll mention is a sign of society gone a bit too far, and that is red left turn signals. They are the most annoying thing in the world (well, not quite) and I sincerely hope Africa never installs any.