11 May 2008

Things that made this weekend awesome

1) Drinking champagne in Puerto Madera watching the sun set and having the following conversation (important note, everyone in this conversation is very white):

Me: "We can have s'mores"
Belgian: "What are s'mores?"
Me: "Marshmallows and chocolate between two graham crackers"
Belgian: "Whats a graham cracker?"
Me: "Like a sweet cracker, a cross between a cookie and cracker"
Belgian: "Whats a cracker?"
Michael: "Us, we are all crackers"

2) Speaking spanish with 20 year old co-eds until 4 in the morning at a bar.

3) Wandering around BsAs Chinatown (really more of a Chinastreet) and having the most delicious Chineese empanada thing. It was honestly the most delicious non steak thing I've eaten in a long time, I'll take pictures next time.

4) Not really specific to this weekend but the fact that you can get everything delivered in Buenos Aires. From pizza to cappucino to laundry to your groceries, they deliver it all and usually for free. What makes this particularly awesome are the pizza delivery guys that bring you pizza on rollerblades! Incredible.

5) Hosting a parilla all Sunday afternoon with one of the most impressive chunks of steak I've ever seen.

6) The sponatenous protest that broke out at Santa Fe y Callao (big intersection) with synchronized pot banging and singing.

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